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Dive Into the New Age of Pain Treatment


The AC-130 Viper is a revolutionary high pressure medical device that incorporates state-of-the-art technology with precision patented engineering to provide unmatched performance and reliability. Designed to meet the highest standards of medical treatment, this device boasts a range of features that set it apart from the competition.  The AC-130 Viper is designated as a Type 1 & 2 DME (durable medical equipment) with a FDA 510k Class I clearance pending.  

What Is High Pressure Medical Cryotherapy?

How High-Pressure Medical Cryotherapy Can Relieve Pain and Reduce the Impact of Inflammation on the Body

Inflammation: derived from Latin inflammatio, meaning ‘to set on fire.’ When you hear the term inflammation, what comes to mind? Joint pain after a long workout? Redness and swelling after a bee sting? These are examples of acute inflammation, which is specific to one area of the body. But acute inflammation isn’t the only kind that can impact your well-being. Chronic inflammation, most commonly associated with disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, can also have a serious effect on your health.

Relieve your pain

How can high-pressure medical cryotherapy help relieve pain?

High-pressure medical cryotherapy can reduce both acute and chronic inflammation, improving everything from skin conditions to boosting muscle performance. It can alleviate muscle or joint pain, lower back pain, and lumbar and cervical stenosis. Our patented techniques address conditions such as rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. This high-pressure, targeted technology has achieved profound results in treating these disorders while providing our patients with lasting relief. High-pressure medical cryotherapy also enhances the immune system and helps with sleep, delivering a full spectrum of rehabilitation and rejuvenation.

Take the active approach

What sets high-pressure medical cryotherapy apart from traditional cryotherapy?

Traditional cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen, which provides a “Spa” type treatment that will not yield any pain relief. Observational and clinical trials have demonstrated that high-pressure medical cryotherapy, however, offers a real, non-invasive solution to your acute or chronic pain. That’s why the American Medical Association has endorsed our high-pressure medical cryotherapy device and treatment methods. Our medical procedures are now covered by both Medicare and private health insurance companies. You have nothing to lose but your pain and discomfort.

We are enthusiastic about the benefits of high-pressure medical cryotherapy, and the results speak for themselves. The process is safe, reliable, and highly effective, conducted by a friendly team of expert providers.

The icing on the cake? We’re accessible, too, with a growing network of certified mobile partners who can meet you at the gym, the office, or even in your own living room! High-pressure medical cryotherapy sessions have never been so easy.

Understand the process

How does high-pressure medical cryotherapy work?


High-pressure medical cryotherapy eradicates inflammation from target areas almost instantly. During the session, your medical provider will rapidly cool the affected area to  32º-45ºf/ 0.0º-7.2ºc in a completely pain-free process. Thermal shock causes blood vessels in underlying soft tissue to constrict in order to protect the body’s core temperature.

This releases a hormone called norepinephrine, a cousin to adrenaline, at three to five times the normal level. Why is this helpful? Because norepinephrine is a potent—and natural—painkiller. The constriction of blood vessels also decreases inflammation and swelling in the affected area by rapidly flushing surrounding tissue of fluid and waste. 

After the cooling is removed, blood vessels dilate. Upon widening, they allow a rush of freshly oxygenated blood to saturate the tissues, flooding them with hormones, neurotransmitters, and nutrients, speeding the healing process and helping the body repair itself. This regenerative blood flow also allows for greater range of motion in the targeted area.

A localized, high-pressure medical cryotherapy session takes only three to six minutes, its benefits exceed hours of traditional icing. Most patients report they feel a positive difference within two hours of treatment, with a dramatic decrease in pain and discomfort occurring within twenty-four hours. Unlike pain pills, high-pressure medical cryotherapy helps your body fix the problems that cause pain—all without the side effects! Our specialized devices can treat areas both large and small, helping our patients reach their pain management goals without pills or invasive procedures. Reach out today to learn more about how to achieve the quality of life and sense of well-being you deserve.

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